


  Google在今年 10 23日宣布夥拍牛津大學(Oxford University)的人工智能團隊(artificial intelligence initiative),以教導機器像人般思考。

  由牛津大學教授新開設的企業「深藍實驗室」(Dark Blue Labs)和「視覺工廠」(Vision Factory),將與 Google今年初收購的倫敦公司 DeepMind合作。

  有關合作的財務條款未有披露,但 DeepMind共同始創人兼 Google工程副總裁哈薩比斯(Demis Hassabis)在網誌表示,它涉及巨額捐獻以建立合作關係,當中包括學生實習、聯合講座和工作坊。


Google bolsters artificial intelligence efforts, partners with Oxford
Oct 23, 2014

Google Inc is expanding its artificial intelligence initiative, hiring more than half a dozen leading academics and experts in the field and announcing a partnership with Oxford University to "accelerate" its efforts.

Google will make a "substantial contribution" to establish a research partnership with Oxford's computer science and engineering departments, the company said on Thursday regarding its work to develop the intelligence of machines and software, often to emulate human-like intelligence.


Google Poaches Oxford Brains for Artificial Intelligence Research
October 24th 2014

Google has visited the hallowed halls of Oxford University and come out with several of the school's most prized minds in the field of artificial intelligence. The hires comprise two teams, both of which have been pursuing research outside their normal academic duties at Oxford. Nando de Freitas, Phil Blunsom, Edward Grefenstette and Karl Moritz Hermann, four experts in natural language processing who founded Dark Blue Labs, will be augmenting Google's speech-recognition research. And Karen Simonyan, Max Jaderberg and Andrew Zisserman, co-founders of computer vision research lab Vision Factory, will be adding their expertise to the Internet giant's DeepMind team as well. DeepMind, a U.K. artificial intelligence group, was purchased by Google earlier this year.



  文中提到 Google今年1月初時收購的倫敦公司 DeepMind,按其他參考資料,它是一家它以神經系統的技術使機器能學習算法(learning algorithms),嘗試幫助電腦以像人類的思考方式目的。(註1

  若綜合 Google現時已公開的研究計劃,它已在去年收購 8家同樣以製作仿生機械人技術公司,其中以 Boston Dynamics最為聞名(註2)。另在 20137月時 Google 公佈研發微型可植入人腦的電腦晶片。


  到今次再收購位於英國倫敦的 DeepMind公司,及與牛津大學(Oxford University)的人工智能團隊(artificial intelligence initiative),以教導機器像人般思考,豈真是表面公開的資訊那樣簡單?


British chess prodigy sells artificial intelligence software firm to Google for £242million
27 January 2014

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?
A cutting-edge corner of science is being wooed by Silicon Valley, to the dismay of some academics.
January 29, 2014



1 則留言:

  1. 教導機器像人般思考,真是表面公開的資訊那樣簡單?
