

《啟示錄》提到的「撒但座位」,真有其事? (一)在第二次世界大戰前再次重現,獻上的是600 萬猶太人!


啟示錄 2 12 13 節:


  於歷史上,別迦摩是使徒時代羅馬帝國的敬拜偶像中心,內裏有一座「宙斯祭壇」 ── 這就是《啟示錄》稱為「撒但座位」的地方。




  到了 19世紀中,盛極一時的別迦摩城幾乎無人憶及,當地人把此處用作採石場,掠奪這裡的大理石用於新建築,直至 1864年一位德國工程師 Carl Humann來訪。他大感震驚,因無價的手工藝品遭受破壞,他後來獲批准在這古城挖掘,並且發現了史上極其寶貴的遺跡--宙斯大祭壇。

  他將祭壇分成石塊運回柏林,經過重組放置在博物館內。而這就是帕加馬博物館,於 1930年竣工,以祭壇作為核心。


  這座祭壇吸引一個年青人的目光:納粹黨新首席建築師 Albert Speer,希特拉委託他設計紐倫堡黨代表集會的閱兵場, Speer以別迦摩祭壇作為靈感,最後在集會場地創造巨大的看台,稱為 Zeppelintribüne。翌年,逾 100萬德國人到紐倫堡聽希特拉講話。

設立「撒但座位」 600 萬猶太人成為祭物

  1935年 9月 15日晚上,希特拉宣布《紐倫堡法》,一個剝奪猶太人公民身分的法令。而《保護德國血統和德國榮譽法》,目的是開始邊緣化猶太人。



  結果二次大戰結束後,估計有 600萬猶太人遭屠殺。

   公元92 年,一位忠心的基督徒安提帕,因為不肯承認羅馬的邪神,在別迦摩宙斯祭壇以「全燔祭」被殺,《啟示錄》稱別迦摩為「撒但的座位」。

  在十數個世紀後的紐倫堡,於重新設計的別迦摩祭壇中心,講台取替了銅牛。在此,希特拉向世界宣布了,他的「最終解決方案」,這次,獻上的燔祭是 600萬猶太人。





The Secrets of Ancient Pergamum: The Seat of Satan (Part 1) -

Pergamum and Nazi Germany: The Seat of Satan (Part 2) -

I, John, was on the island that is called Patmos I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day and I heard behind me a loud voice.

To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s
throne is. And you hold fast to my name, and did not deny my faith even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr who was killed among you, where Satan dwells. Revelation 2:12

Today, all that's left of Pergamum are ruins. But when the Apostle John wrote his letter to the church there, it was one of the most influential cities in the Roman Empire.

Pergamum had a unique status that was different than any other city because it was the political center and it was from there that all the rulings were made which affected the whole of Asia Minor.

The city's acropolis rivaled Athens, and its library was the second largest in the ancient world. With the collection so great that the Roman general Marc Antony presented it as a wedding gift to Cleopatra.
這裡的衛城媲美雅典,圖書館是古世界中第二大的,其藏書量的龐大,讓當時的羅馬將軍Marc Antony,將之送給Cleopatra 作為結婚禮物。

At the end of the first century, Pergamum was a thriving city, so why does the book of Revelation call it the dwelling place of Satan?

The answer lies in the ruins of the city's temples.

On one side, it was a very beautiful city, But on the flip side, it was one of the darkest, eeriest cities in the whole Roman Empire.

The people of Pergamum were known as the "Temple-keepers of Asia." The city had three temples dedicated to the worship of the Roman emperor, another for the goddess Athena, and the Great Altar of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods.

Many scholars believe this altar is the “Throne of Satan” mentioned in the book of Revelation.

That word "throne" was first used to describe a chair that was used in a personal private residence, and it was the chair for the lord of the house, the master of the house.

The very fact that Jesus would use that word in this verse means Satan felt at home there. He sat on a throne there. It was his territory. He was the master of that house.

The city also had a healing center called the Asklepion, It was built in honor of the Greek serpent-god
這城市亦有Asklepion 醫療中心,以希臘蛇神Asklepios 之名建立。

In the first century, this was a cross between a hospital and a health spa, where patients could get everything from mud bath to major surgery. Even the emperors came all the way from Rome to be treated here, but this was no ordinary doctor's visit.

If you were a terminal patient, then you were not allowed to go into the Asklepion, and these Asklepion priests didn’t want anyone hearing somebody had died in the Asklepion.
如果你是末期病人,你便會被嚴禁進入Asklepion,因為Asklepion 祭司不想任何人聽到有人死在中心裡。

And in fact, there was a huge sign just above the official entrance to the Asklepion would said, Death is not permitted here.
事實上,那裡有很大的指示牌,在Asklepion 正門上寫著「嚴禁死亡」。

So the only way you were going to get in to begin with is if they knew you were going to live.

Patients entered through this underground tunnel, then they drank a sedative and slept here in the dormitories while non-poisonous snakes crawled around them all night.

They were told that the serpent-god Asklepios would speak to them in their dreams and give them a diagnosis.
據說,蛇神Asklepios 會向他們報夢,給他們診斷。

It was believed that the snakes actually carried the healing power of Asklepios, and if a snake slithered across you while you were sleeping at night, that was a divine sign that healing power was coming to you.
他們相信那些蛇,會帶來蛇神Asklepios 的醫治能力,若果蛇在他們睡著時爬到身上,就表示醫治能力臨到了。

The next morning, the patients told their dreams to the priests who prescribed their treatments. Finally, the patients made clay sculptures of the body parts that needed healing and offered them to Asklepios.

The people of Pergamum worshiped the myriad of Greek and Roman gods, but when Christianity arrived with the belief in just one god, the city's pagan priests went on the attack and their most famous victim was a man named Antipas.

In the book of Revelation, Jesus called Antipas "my faithful martyr".

He was the bishop of Pergamum, ordained by the Apostle John, and his faith got the attention of the priests of Asklepios who complained to the Roman governor in Pergamum.
他是別迦摩主教,由使徒約翰按立,他的信仰引起Asklepios 祭司注意,祭司向別迦摩羅馬總督投訴。

The priests testified that demons appeared to them in their dreams, and told them that the prayers of Antipas were driving them out of the city.

He had cast out so many devils that the demons, the spirits had been complaining to pagans, “You’'ve got to do something about this Antipas.

Antipas was ordered to offer a sacrifice of wine and incense to a statue of the Roman emperor and declare that the emperor was "lord and god".

He refused.

If you reject the divinity of the emperor, it is the equivalent of rejecting the city of Rome, and believers were killed for this.

Antipas was sentenced to death on the Altar of Zeus.

Most of that altar survives today, and surrounding it are some of the world's most famous marble friezes. They portrait the battle between the Greek gods and the giants.

At the top of the altar was a hollow bronze bull, designed for human sacrifice.

They would take the victim, place him inside the bull, they would tie him in such a way that his head would go into the head of the bull, then would light a huge fire under the bull, and as the fire heated the bronze, the person inside of the bull would slowly begin to roast to death.

And as the victim would begin to moan and would begin to cry out in pain, his cries would go through all of the pipes which were in the head of the bull so it seemed to make the bull come alive.

Even in the midst of the flames, Antipas died praying for his church.

A few years later, the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation, mentioning the death of Antipas on this very spot.

Here in Pergamum, all that's left is the foundation.

Today, the Altar of Zeus is more than a thousand miles away.

In the 19th century, German engineers dismantled the altar and took it to Berlin. The so-called "Throne of Satan" went on display in the city's Pergamon Museum in 1930, just in time to inspire one of the most brutal dictators the world has ever seen.
19 世紀,德國工程師把壇拆除,將之搬到柏林,所謂「撒但的座位」,於1930 年陳列於柏林帕加馬博物館,剛好啟發了史上其中之一個最殘酷的獨裁者。

Ancient Pergamum, the center of pagan worship in Asia Minor, once known as the place where Satan
dwells. In the first century, it was a thriving city. But after countless wars and natural disasters, the temples of Pergamum lay in ruins.

By the mid-19th century, the once great city of Pergamum was barely a memory. The locals were using this
site as a quarry, looting the marble for new buildings. Until 1864 when a German engineer paid a visit.
到了19 世紀中,盛極一時的別迦摩城幾乎無人憶及,當地人把此處用作採石場,掠奪這裡的大理石用於新建築,直至1864 年一位德國工程師來訪。

Carl Humann was shocked by the destruction of the priceless artifacts, so he got permission to excavate the ancient city himself.
Carl Humann 大感震驚,因無價的手工藝品遭受破壞,他後來獲批准在這古城挖掘。

And what he found was one of the greatest monuments in history: the Altar of Zeus. Stone by stone, the altar was excavated and brought here to Berlin, and then it was reassembled and placed in its own museum.

The Pergamon Museum was finished in 1930, with the altar as its centerpiece.
帕加馬博物館於1930 年竣工,以祭壇作為核心。

Eventually, it caught the eye of a young man named Albert Speer, the new chief architect for the Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler had commissioned him to design the parade grounds for the party rallies in Nuremberg. And for inspiration, Speer turned to the Pergamon Altar.
最終,祭壇吸引一個年青人的目光:納粹黨新首席建築師Albert Speer,希特拉委託他設計紐倫堡黨代表集會的閱兵場,Speer 以別迦摩祭壇作為靈感。

Speer gives all the credit to Hitler
Speer 把所有功勞歸給希特拉。

I think that he's like a good interior decorator that someone hires and that client already has the ideas of what he wants to do, and the decorator agrees with him, and just fulfill them.

So that's what Speer did.
Speer 做到了。

Using the altar as his model, Speer created a colossal grandstand at the rally grounds. It became known as the Zeppelintribüne. The next year, more than a million Germans came to Nuremberg to hear his speech.
以祭壇作為模型,Speer 在集會場地創造巨大的看台,稱為Zeppelintribüne,翌年,逾100 萬德國人到紐倫堡聽希特拉講話。

On the evening of September 15, 1935, Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws, laws that took away German citizenship from Jews.
1935 9 15 日晚上,希特拉宣布《紐倫堡法》,一個剝奪猶太人公民身分的法令。

The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor is intended to begin the marginalization process of the Jewish people.

Hitler had a lot of popular support for much of his time in office.

One doesn't get popular support by saying to the public we're going to put Jewish people in gas chambers and then incinerate them.

You don't do that.

What he did was gradually marginalize them.

It was also here that Hitler used the phrase “Final Solution” for the first time in public.

Bitter complaints have come in from countless places citing the provocative behavior of Jews.

This law is an attempt to find a legislative solution. If this attempt fails, it will be necessary to transfer the Jewish problem to the National Socialist party for a final solution.

The Nuremberg Laws stripped the Jews of their rights as citizens.

They couldn't teach in public universities, they couldn't practice medicine in public hospitals. They couldn't fly the national flag.

Then that was coupled with the Reich Citizenship Law, which said that Jewish people in Germany were subjects of the Reich, but not citizens.

Hitler's "Final Solution" is now known as the Holocaust, from the Greek word that means "a wholly burnt animal sacrifice."

In AD 92, the faithful martyr Antipas died, a "wholly burnt sacrifice" on the Altar of Zeus in Pergamum, the place the Book of Revelation calls "the Throne of Satan."
公元92 年,安提帕殉道,在別迦摩宙斯祭壇以「全燔祭」被殺,《啟示錄》稱別迦摩為「撒但的座位」。

Centuries later in Nuremberg, in the center of a redesigned Pergamum Altar, the bronze bull was replaced by a podium.

From there, Adolf Hitler announced his "Final Solution" to the world and this time, the burnt sacrifice was six million Jews.

在此,希特拉向世界宣布了,他的「最終解決方案」,這次,獻上的燔祭是600 萬猶太人。

3 則留言:

  1. 這「撒但的座位」已在美國出現。

  2. 嘩!!原來美國有這「撒但的座位」,那將來會面對神大大的審判!

  3. 神再來臨時,這些作惡的撒旦惡人必受到永無止境的罪罰,我祈禱著這天將到來,領罪吧
